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This version is meant for returning students who are familiar with the university AND have prior experience with Canvas but do not have a CANVAS GOLD Badge.
This online student orientation allows students to take a cumulative test that covers Canvas, other university technologies, university services, and student success.
The test will be administered through Respondus Lockdown Browser. Students will have 3 attempts to score 80% or higher. If by the 3rd attempt, the student is unable to score 80% or higher, they will need to enroll in the full version of GOLD.
Students already admitted to Southeastern, should enroll with their Southeastern Student Email address to avoid creating two Canvas accounts.
All SE students are enrolled in the Full version of the GOLD orientation by default FOR FREE. If that's what you are looking for, go to and sign into your account to access the free version of the orientation.
Listing Catalog: Southeastern Oklahoma State University
This orientation option is intended for returning Southeastern students who have previously completed GOLD Orientation in Blackboard and only need training on Canvas.
This online student orientation asks students to first submit their BLACKBOARD GOLD Badge to be verified. (Please allow up to 72 hours for verification.) Once the Blackboard Badge has been verified, students will complete only Canvas specific training. The final test (administered in Respondus) will only test on knowledge of Canvas.
Students already admitted to Southeastern, should enroll with their Southeastern Student Email address to avoid creating two Canvas accounts.
All SE students are enrolled in the Full version of the GOLD orientation by default FOR FREE. If that's what you are looking for, go to and sign into your account to access the free version of the orientation.
Listing Catalog: Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Earn a micro-credential that verifies you have been intentionally trained for working in a remote environment, a valuable skill in today's world.
Listing Catalog: Southeastern Oklahoma State University